Neil McEvoy AM, Leader of Propel, has sent the following letter to Council leaders and the Police and Crime Commissioners in Wales.
Dear colleagues,
I hope all your loved ones are well.
I write formally as Leader of the Propel to express my serious disappointment at the apparent lack of pro-active action to prevent people travelling to holiday homes this weekend.
Could you explain the lack of police presence on the bridges going into Ynys Mon, if reports I have received are correct? Are police at the bridges now? What conversations took place between Council officials of Gwynedd, Mon, North Wales Police and Welsh Government about pro-actively preventing people occupying holiday homes? We all knew this weekend was coming.
What is being done right now at the time of this email being sent?
The most serious action possible in law should be taken against those who have recklessly travelled at this time. What do you intend to do as a police force and local authorities?
The National Assembly for Wales has already passed emergency legislation to give unprecedented powers to prevent the present outrage and to protect the local populations in Wales from those recklessly ignoring the lockdown. I voted for that legislation.
But those laws must be enforced. Does Propel have your firm support in proactively protecting our communities to prevent our hospitals being overwhelmed and the virus being spread unnecessarily? Or will you allow our communities to once again be overrun by potential virus carriers?