The Propel Archives

For those discovering Propel for the first time, we are Wales' newest political party championing for the People of Wales. Over the past 2 years, the party has been working hard to make its presence known in Welsh politics. Going from strength to strength, we continue our journey to becoming a major political player in Wales. Every Thursday at 8pm, we will delve into the Propel archives on our Facebook page at and take a look back at some the parties highlights and political campaigns over the past 2 years. Continue reading

Join Propel 2023

We live in a time of great change and uncertainty, and it's more important than ever that we have a welsh political party that truly represents the people of Wales and fights for their interests. Continue reading

NHS Policy Suggestions

As the Welsh NHS struggles to meet the demands of a growing and ageing population, it has become clear that no single political party has been able to effectively address the challenges facing our public health service. From staffing shortages to funding constraints, the Welsh NHS is facing a range of issues that are putting patients at risk and undermining the ability of the service to provide high-quality care. Continue reading

SAVE CASH - Use it or Lose it

USE IT OR LOSE IT... SUPPORT CASH, SUPPORT PROPEL. As society continues to advance, the concept of a cashless society is gaining traction. Most people now pay with telephones or cards. More and more businesses refuse cash nowadays. While the idea of a world where physical money no longer exists may seem convenient and efficient, it also raises huge concerns about the loss of privacy and ultimately control over our own spending habits. Continue reading


Do you believe in a better Wales? Are you ready to be a champion for your community and make a difference in your corner of the Wales? If so, you'd be a great fit for Propel! The Propel party is seeking passionate and dedicated individuals from all over Wales who are ready to join forces with us and work towards positive change. Whether you have a few hours a week to spare or are ready to take on a leadership role, we have opportunities for you to get involved. Here are just a few ways you can be a champion for Wales with the Propel party... Continue reading

Lobbying in Wales Inquiry

Neil McEvoy, Propel Leader, has submitted his comments in response to a call for evidence from the Senedd's Standards of Conduct Committee, which recently held an inquiry into lobbying. Continue reading

Propels Local Contract with Wales 2022

Local Contract with Wales 2022Cytundeb Lleol Gyda Chymru 2022 Our local communities are crying out for a can-do, common-sense approach, with more transparency and accountability in local government. After a difficult two years, Welsh communities are emerging from the restrictions of the pandemic, into rapid change and uncertainty.Rapid rises in the cost of fuel, increases in Council tax and inflation mean that many are now struggling to make ends meet. There are clear challenges out there facing our communities. Propel proposes to deal with the issues of 2022 head on with our Local Contract with Wales 2022. Mae ein cymunedau, fwy nag erioed angen arweiniad rhagweithiol yn seiliedig ar synnwyr cyffredin, gyda mwy o dryloywder ac atebolrwydd mewn llywodraeth leol. Ar ôl dwy flynedd anodd, mae cymunedau Cymru yn symud allan o gyfyngiadau’r pandemig, ac yn wynebu newidiadau mawr a chyfnod o ansicrwydd.Mae codiadau sylweddol yng nghostau tanwydd, cynnydd yn y Dreth Gyngor a chwyddiant yn golygu bod llawer bellach yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael dau ben llinyn ynghyd. Mae heriau amlwg yn wynebu ein cymunedau. Mae ymateb yn uniongyrchol i’r sialensiau hynny wrth galon ein Cytundeb Lleol Gyda Chymru 2022. Continue reading

The Rotten Heart of Welsh Politics

THE ROTTEN HEART OF WELSH POLITICS   In May 2016, I made the mistake of thinking that as a Plaid Cymru Politician, I had been elected to hold the Government to account and to be an opposition politician. I quickly found out that my job was to not rock the boat, not to expose scandals, but to toe the line.  Plaid Cymru was furious when I asked questions about Deryn’s client ACT obtaining £113 million from the Welsh Government. Continue reading

Propel Fights to Save Green Spaces

Propel stands in solidarity with communities all across Wales who are fighting tooth and nail with local authorities over the preservation of their communal green spaces. All too often we are seeing the pleas and petitions of welsh citizens amount to nothing, and community voice bulldozed over. Propel has pledged to enshrine 'The Planning for Wales Act' which a Propel Government would Reform Local Development Plans, give protection of green fields and spaces, and introduce a right of appeal for residents against disputed developments.

The Growing for Wales Act

Propel has pledged to enshrine 'The Growing for Wales Act' which a Propel Government would legalise the medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids through the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG), with all cannabis-based medicines grown and produced in Wales. The reported medicinal benefits of CBD compounds are too numerous to name, but could make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of many. Propel would also champion for an industry right here in Wales and give farmers a chance to cash in on this crop through the production of CBD oils and derivatives such as hemp fibres. We believe Wales should not be reliant on big pharma and foreign corporations who ultimately dominate our markets. Let's make this a truly Made in Wales industry that we can be proud of.